
樁姬彩菜 - 我是男校畢業的女生


我是男校畢業的女生 - 一時間也不知道這是什麼書,直覺是一個可愛的女生搞笑的紀錄以前在南校的生活點滴,因為封面實在太可愛了!











bonk attack

Read those URL’s;

The Bonk attack is a variation of the now infamous Teardrop attack, and works much like the Boink attack, although it does not allow UDP port ranges. The Bonk attack manipulates a field in TCP/IP packets, called a fragment offset. This field tells a computer how to reconstruct a packet that was broken up (fragmented), because it was too big to transmit in a whole piece. By manipulating this number, the Bonk attack causes the target machine to reassemble a packet that is much too big to be reassembled. This causes the target computer to crash. A simple reboot is usually sufficient to recover from this attack. It is possible that unsaved data in applications open at the time of attack will be lost.
The “Bonk” attack, a modified version of the Tear Drop exploit program, is the most recent attacks against hosts. This attack involves the perpetrator sending corrupt UDP packets to port 53 (DNS).

So it appears she was the victim of an attempt of Denial of Service attack (DoS), from Bonk.c on someone’s machine. It could be just a coincidence that she was on Yahoo chat/IM at the time. You didn’t mention her operating system. If she’s on Win95 or NT, she’s particularly vulnerable to this, as they have holes that Bonk.c exploits, but I’ve seen a site with a patch for it in the second link I gave above.


Teardrop: The culprit sends two fragments that cannot be reassembled properly by manipulating the offset value of the packet and cause a reboot or halt of the victim’s system.

Bonk: This attack usually affects Windows OS machines. The culprit sends corrupted UDP Packets to DNS port 53. The system gets confused and crashes.

Boink: This is similar to the Bonk attack; accept that it targets multiple ports instead of only 53.

ascend kill



Category:Denial of Service
Title:Ascend Kill
Summary:Crashes an ascend router
Description:It was possible to make
the remote Ascend router reboot by sending
it a UDP packet containing special data on
port 9 (discard).

An attacker may use this flaw to make your
router crash continuously, preventing
your network from working properly.

Solution : filter the incoming UDP traffic coming
to port 9. Contact Ascend for a solution.


9tcp,udpDiscardDiscard server – this protocol is only installed on machines for test purposes. The service listening at this port (both TCP and UDP) simply discards any input.

See also: [RFC863], CVE-1999-0060
Intrusions: Ascend kill
This exploit kills Ascend routers by sending them a specially formatted malformed TCP packet. On certain versions of the Ascend operating system, the router can be forced to cause an internal error, resulting in the router rebooting.

9tcp,udpDiscard (official)Wikipedia
9tcp,udpdiscardDiscard [RFC4960] [RFC4340]IANA
9tcp,udpdiscardsink nullNmap

5 records found

Discard Protocol


This RFC specifies a standard for the ARPA Internet community.  Hosts onthe ARPA Internet that choose to implement a Discard Protocol areexpected to adopt and implement this standard. A useful debugging and measurement tool is a discard service. A discard service simply throws away any data it receives.TCP Based Discard Service   One discard service is defined as a connection based application on   TCP.  A server listens for TCP connections on TCP port 9.  Once a   connection is established any data received is thrown away.  No   response is sent.  This continues until the calling user terminates   the connection.UDP Based Discard Service   Another discard service is defined as a datagram based application on   UDP.  A server listens for UDP datagrams on UDP port 9.  When a   datagram is received, it is thrown away.  No response is sent.